ILaLs Statements of Solidarity

ILaLs Statements of Solidarity
The ILaLS Advisory Board condemns the senseless murder of George Floyd and others under similar circumstances at the hands of law enforcement, the latest in a long history of outrages specifically against African-American men since this country was born that stain the very character of this nation.  United with members of the SMC community who have expressed their sentiments,  we share anger, sadness and frustration over these recent events. Racism, violence and systemic oppression against the black community is a daily reality lived by our black and Afro-Latinx brothers and sisters, not just in the US  but worldwide. As Latinx and Latin Americans we need to educate our Latinx and Spanish-speaking communities about the realities of race-based oppression. We need to denounce social injustices and demonstrate solidarity in word and action with African American and Afro-Latinx communities.  Su lucha es nuestra lucha. 
The ILaLS board also stands in solidarity with members of the API community who has suffered senseless attacks.  As Doctor Loan Dao, APIRG faculty co-chair notes, "
The reality is our students, colleagues, and their families are experiencing these acts of hate. The mockery of foreign accents, jokes about Asian American stereotypes, and comments to go back to one's country are, sadly, not uncommon on this campus or in our communities. They open the door for the escalated physical violence that we have been witnessing across the country. Unfortunately, colleagues and students expressed frustration at the silence from our campus leaders. Some also expressed hurt that our colleagues have not reached out or made any comments rejecting this violence, even as we commemorated the unjust imprisonment of Japanese Americans during WWII last week, one of the darkest moments in our country’s history."

As faculty at a  liberal arts institution that prides itself on educating young people for social justice, we offer our individual and collective efforts  to eliminate racism. As educators, we have a special obligation to speak the truth that racism exists at our institutions and in our communities and  we have a responsibility to listen to our students, our colleagues, and our community partners when they are ready to share their stories, pain and anger. Listening is a duty.

So is disseminating educational information that serves the community.  In that spirit, we share with you the following resources, compiled by  Dra. Gabriela Kovats Sánchez  (San Diego State University).  She includes material from an  American, Latin American and Spanish context, as racism is global rather than exclusive to the United States. These resources include topics on discrimination against black communities and indigenous peoples. This list is not exhaustive and resources will be added over time. Thanks to  Dr. Kovats Sánchez for sharing this information and thank you to all the people that developed all the content on this list.  The list also includes resources to support our API communities. Thanks to the API Subcommittee and Kathy Littles, Associate Provost for Faculty Affairs and Senior Diversity Officer.

Recursos antirracistas en español

Esta lista incluye recursos del contexto estadounidense, latinoamericano y español ya que el racismo es un tema global y no exclusivo a los Estados Unidos. Estos recursos incluyen temas sobre la comunidad negra y los pueblos originarios. 

*Esta lista no es exhaustiva y se agregarán más recursos con el paso del tiempo. ¡Gracias por difundir esta información y gracias a todas las personas que desarrollaron todo el contenido de esta lista! 


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